Come Back Little Sheba, Come Back, Little Sheba is a 1952 drama film made by Paramount Pictures, which is the story of a loveless marriage that is rocked when a young woman a room in the house of the couple told rents. It stars Burt Lancaster and Shirley Booth, Terry Moore and Richard Jaeckel. The title refers to the women's small dog, were lost months before the story begins, and she still misses open.The film was directed by Ketti Frings 1950 play adapted with the same title by William Inge, and was directed by Daniel Mann.Come Back Little Sheba
He won the Academy Award for Best Actress (Shirley Booth) and was nominated for Best Actress in a Supporting Role (Terry Moore) and Best Editing. It was entered in the 1953 Cannes Film Festival.Come Back Little Sheba
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